Spring North Shore Striped Bass

Fly Fishing for Striped Bass, Spring Season Tips


Sergio Diaz

4/10/20223 min read

Spring Stripers

Spring striped bass
Spring striped bass

Wading for striped bass in the spring can be very productive if you work the spots where bass prefer to ambush bait fish. In this article I'll go over how to place your fly in the strike zone.

Fly fishing rods for striped bass
Fly fishing rods for striped bass
Striped bass on a clouser minnow
Striped bass on a clouser minnow

One of my favorite methods for striped bass, is to cast up current over structure and retrieve the fly as soon as it goes over, imitating a bait fish that the striped bass are waiting to ambush.

In particular, sand bars offer a target rich area, because striped bass have deeper water where to hide and wait for the bait to come to them, where the strong currents creates turbulent waters that disorient the bait, making them easy prey for the stripers.

Catch and release striped bass
Catch and release striped bass

When fishing a sand bar, I prefer to use intermediate line with a sinking fly like the clouser minnow, this combination allows me to work the fly close to the bottom for a more natural presentation. Once you approach the strike zone, start retrieving line, I prefer short, uneven, slow strips that keep the fly in the water for as long as possible, always keeping tension on the line, in order to feel the strike and set the hook on the take.

The following image represents the ideal setup for this type of fishing, Remember, when bait is abundant, you maybe in for a tide full of fun.

sand bar striper fishing
sand bar striper fishing

In early spring you'll find mostly, smaller striped bass also know as "schoolies". While these fish are not the trophy bass we are constantly seeking, they are a lot of fun, they are aggressive, put up a good fight and are willing to take a good presentation.

Don't be surprised if while fishing for bass you find Hickory Shad, these fish are also attracted to the same flies used for bass and they can be a pleasant surprise specially as the tides being to slow down.

Often a sign that the tide has ended, is when you start catching nothing but sea robins. That's usually when I start thinking about heading home until next time.

hickory shad on the fly
hickory shad on the fly
sea robin on the fly
sea robin on the fly
releasing a striped bass
releasing a striped bass
shad on the fly
shad on the fly

Spring is here and stripers are just around the corner, time to check your fly box to make sure you are all set for a great day on the water.

Please remember to handle striped bass with care and safely release them. The striped bass fishery is once again, in danger of collapsing and we need to do our part to help them recover. Abundance of striped bass is great for all, the recreational and commercial angler and all the business supported by the fishing industry.

North Shore Spring Stripers Video

The following video shows how to fish the current using sand bars to catch spring stripers along the north shore beaches of long island.

If you have any questions let me know. Tight lines and best wishes for the 2022 fishing season!
